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CISM: Critical Incident Stress Management is a specialized package of crisis intervention tools that are linked to each other. A comprehensive, integrated, systematic, and multi-component crisis intervention program.
CISD: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing is a specific, 7 step interactive group crisis intervention designed to assist a homogeneous group of people after exposure to the same significant traumatic event (critical incident). Usually 12 hours after the event up to days after the traumatic event.
Critical Incidents are outside the normal experience that pose actual or perceived threats of injury or exposure to death that can overwhelm both an individual's and organization's coping resources.
Evidence-Based Programs are evaluated by randomized controlled trials or meta analytic reviews in applied studies across two different settings, while evidence-informed programs include evidence from quasi-experimental designs in applied studies across two similar settings.
A Potentially Traumatic Event (PTE) is a stressful event that has caused psychological trauma that may be consistent with one or more post traumatic mental health conditions (e.g. post traumatic stress disorder [PTSD], anxiety, depression, or panic disorder). The descriptor “potentially” is part of an effort to underscore the importance of dynamic individual and environmental contextual factors that influence whether an event is psychologically traumatic for any given individual at any given time.
Secondary trauma is used to describe individuals’ signs and symptoms of PTSD that mirror those symptoms of friends, or family members who have experienced trauma.Vicarious Trauma: Is what happens when someone else’s trauma is experienced as if it happened to you. Vicarious trauma effects can occur at any time and anywhere and may be cumulative.
Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. Though it’s most often caused by problems at work, it can also appear in other areas of life, such as parenting, caretaking, or romantic relationships.